Joan Reynolds

Real Faith, Real Life & Real Joy

The Other Side Of That Coin


God must be showing me all kinds of ways we run from His guidance, as the next wonderful Christian friends He let me observe were some that I often go to for good counsel. As I soon realized, we all have our exceptions where we really don’t ask for God’s help, thank you very much.

In a situation where there were incredible ways to save money by choosing materials, free qualified labor offered, and tools that could be borrowed or rented, I was amazed at how quickly this one friend ran to purchase their own new ones. It was almost as if waiting for a single day would cause a rethinking, which would not allow for them to do what they wanted. The rationale was so obvious to others, but clearly sufficed to the person wanting to believe it.

I am now aware of how this same behavior must have looked to my father, when I hurriedly pushed to do something or spend something where there may have been many finer and cheaper alternatives. And by that same reasoning how it must look to God, who promises to provide us with everything we need. That is why I think parents who practice a reserved attitude about purchasing anything set a good example for their children. Their children learn at an early age to practice patience and waiting on God. They also learn that God has amazing ways of providing for our needs, and we never get to see that if we always jump in right away to provide for our own.

To my great dismay, I am very guilty of the same behavior on many occasions. I will override my own decision to wait for something, or to pray to see if it is something that I really need. I think it is only after my recent move, now finding myself surrounded by masses of stuff that has no real value in my life, that I have begun to question what comes in to the house. Truly for everything that comes in, at least four things should go out to someone who needs them, or who at least thinks they do!

Why is it so much easier to spot our bad behaviors when they are being sported by someone else? I guess that is why God wants us in community and fellowship with one another; how else would we ever grow if we only saw ourselves all the time? I got so weary watching that behavior I had to leave, but I wonder when I will get so sick of it in myself that I actually start giving my stuff away? Hopefully very soon. Just thinking about living in a 100 sq ft space this past weekend made me realize how little could go with me. Now, to pare down to that!

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2 Comments to

“The Other Side Of That Coin”

  1. Avatar January 24th, 2011 at 7:51 pm Sherri Robinson Says:

    I can’t wait to pare down even more than I already have. I’m so looking forward to feeling that freedom that I crave whether in an apartment or building my own tiny house which I surely will do one day. Who knows. Maybe we will be living in a colony of little houses together doing God’s work.

  2. Avatar January 26th, 2011 at 11:13 am Carole Says:

    I gather your weekend conference was a hit by your comment above; preparing to live in a 100 sq. ft. home. I can’t even begin to imagine doing that. I already feel like I live in a colony and I don’t think I would enjoy it being any tighter at the moment.

    As for paring down, the only avenue I’ve ventured is excess spending. It’s actually been rather fun starting at this late age being a better steward of our finances. I’m looking into areas to cut like never before.

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